Friday, July 6, 2018

Elevator Pitch V2 17A

Elevator Pitch V2

So with this pitch I wanted to focus on some of the feedback I received from both the comments and from friends who asked to see the video. The most common feedback that I received was that I talked to fast and it didn't sound rehearsed. So while all feedback is welcome and thus useful (to some degree) I attempted to change my pitch accordingly. How I changed it was I walked through it a few times, and that I mentioned the customization, the target market, and that I had plans for the future.


  1. Hi Connor,
    I think that talking too fast and not sounding rehearsed was an issue we all came across while trying to do this assignment. I think practice really does make perfect when it comes to something like this. I think that also focusing in on a target segment is very beneficial because then you can dictate what might and might not be important to say and what might catch the attention of your listeners. Overall I think you dud a great job recreating your elevator pitch! If we ever have to do this assignment again I think you'll do even better!

  2. Connor,
    I did not do my elevator pitch one time but I have performed many before whether it was practicing with my dad who is a financial advisor or even in intro to business. Speaking fast is not a good thing because the person you are talking to may not be able to understand. When really doing one its good to get your point across but also try and set up another meeting so you have a longer amount of time to talk to that person. Overall I think you improved from your first one. Great job!

  3. Connor,

    Elevator pitches take practice and I like how you incorporated the feedback you received on your first one into this attempt. I think you spoke at a good pace and hit all the points that you should have. Practice makes perfect and it really shows on your elevator pitch. Your pitch was complete and easy to follow and I think that you nailed this!
