Friday, July 27, 2018

26 A

Over the last semester I have failed many times, however the one situation that I will be talking about is how I failed to follow through on a promise. This promise wasn’t very large or earth shattering but it did allow me to reflect and grow while dealing with the guilt. I promised my roommate that I would make cookies for him and his girlfriend as we were having a small get together to watch sports. It was a very long day for me and because I failed to plan in advance for such outcomes I was forced to get store bought cookies instead. Now this fixed the problem of no cookies but still made me a liar. To make it up to them I ended up baking 2 dozen cookies for each of them with my grandma’s secret recipe.

What I learned was that I should plan around my word and what I have said or promised to do and not float around until the deadline has come and gone. This situation taught me about the value of my word and how I should do everything I can to protect it.

Failure is hard, embarrassing and serves as a reminder to ourselves that we aren’t perfect. It isn’t inherently bad but what you do when you meet failure can show you what type of person you are. Do you solve the problem and keep moving forward, dwell on it for much too long where it becomes a hindrance, or do you choose to ignore it all together and keep moving on without learning from it?

This class has shown me that failure is simply a part of life where we can move forward and better ourselves and or our products with risks.

1 comment:

  1. Connor,

    I can't believe that you failed to bake your friends cookies when they need them. Just kidding. I do agree that failure is embarrassing and it is a great way to learn from one's mistakes in order to improve. Failure is most definitely a part of life and I think that you handled this incident perfectly and learned a lot from it. Great job!
