Friday, July 6, 2018

Creating a Customer Avatar 18A

My Customer Avatar is a 23 year old woman named Michelle who is focused on her work and as such feels much older than she is. She has recently enrolled in a masters or higher learning degree at any campus across the nation. She enjoys reading, watching the newest drama, and has an addiction to caffeine as most people do. She has no children but is in a committed relationship where she attempts to balance her home and school life. She spends most of her day at the library attempting to get ahead and tackle the events before her. She enjoys dogs, and is always looking for more hours in the day, in an attempt to stay safe during her commutes and have an edge on the competitions she drinks her caffeine at all hours in the day so to always stay alert and awake.  

The only things I have in common with my avatar is that I enjoy dogs, books, and want to succeed in school. The reason for this is that they are very common traits that many of my friends share and since they have been my group for questioning they have become part of my ideal customers. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Connor,
    I really liked how specific your avatar was! I like you motivated see is with her work ethic and that shes at an age where she seems like she recently graduated from college. Because she is always reading and trying to stay on top of her work, I can see why she would need an easy access to caffeine and coffee to help her stay awake. I do think that "Michelle" could potentially the stereotypical customer for your product. Overall, great job being creative with your description and great job! I also liked that she enjoys dogs and has the same name as me.
