Friday, July 27, 2018

28 A

1) My exit strategy would be to maintain this business for as long possible and hopefully retire. That being said I am not so attached as to not sell early.

2) I have selected this strategy because I feel as though with time the venture would grow and the return on investment would grow with it. If I were to sell it would be because other larger dogs (Starbucks) wish to join in my market in which case I would make a bid to sell the machines as infrastructure because I do not believe that I could directly compete against other companies if they choose to so on a level playing field. I currently hold the advantage of convenience through the machines but would most likely lose should other copy or follow my designs.

3) I believe that my initial reaction of maintaining it as long as possible influenced my designs because I sought for a unique trick to gain the upper hand. This also influences my desire to sell should other copy me as I again don’t know if I could compete directly without the edge of atomization, 24 hour service, and lower overhead (no rent on building/salaries).

1 comment:

  1. Connor,

    I like your exit strategy. Mine was to possibly sell my company after about 10 years or so, so it was nice to see a different perspective. If you think this is something that is sustainable I think that you should most definitely stick with it and turn it into something bigger. I think you nailed this assignment, great job!
