Friday, June 22, 2018

Figuring Out Behavior 2 -15A

In each of my interviews, I learned that one option to make my product more desirable or approachable would be more customization features. 

My first interview was with Evan (a classmate at UF) and he gave me more direction and very valuable insight with my product. He told me that while he does enjoy coffee he prefers to cutsomize his specific order rather than get the same thing every time. I never thought to offer mass customization such as levels of milk/foam, just warm beverages with a variety of flavors.

My next interview was with Andrew (a co-worker) and he gave me little to insight. He simply told me he doesn't drink coffee or tea. When I asked him if he would reconsider or explain his stance he explained to me he prefers energy shots. While this could be an opening in the future for my product to sell those as well at this point in time I fear that would be too ambitious and should focus on what drinks I can make with hot water.

My final interview of this assignment was with Chris (my roommate) who drinks coffee regularly despite this he offered little help. He claimed that if he had no alternatives (such as them being closed or sold out) to his established brand loyalty he would consider this. When I asked and explained that the product is a 24/7 vendor he stated that he only operates when the shops are open and thus doesn't need specialized coffee /tea vendors.

Overall I learned that my product can add customization to help entice customers, and that not everyone falls into the group of possible clients.

1 comment:

  1. Connor,

    I think that your interviews were really solid considering that each one of them taught you something that would help improve your product. Recognizing that not everyone falls under your need and figuring out ways to customize your product to fit the need of more people is a wise thing to do and I think that you're on the right path with this. Great job!
